quick_menu - Describe the top part of full page.
quick_menu help to (manage page ,publish page,prpoduction deployment,manage menus,responsive preview & validation and ide)
1. Manage pages
This section allows you to modify or create a new page.
When you add a new page or you can modify an existing page.
This section also contains the templates used for the pages of the website. It is not recommended to work on the templates without advanced concepts in programming language Extenso.
Don’t forget to publish when you have finished your changes.
2. Publish page
If you have made changes and you do not see them this option allows you to publish your page and refresh it.
3. Production deployment
A release is a transfer of the changes previously made in staging to the live environment. In other words, once you have finished your pre-production testing, production implementation serves to push these changes to your users.
To do a production deployment, after clicking on the 'Go Live', you must press the button Launch Now' and then click on un-select all and select the page u want to publish than 'Start production deployment'.
4. Manage menus
You can manage create menu and associated page or url to this menu or modify existing menu.
5. Flexible preview
This button allows you to test your site so responsive:
- Phone - Landscape
- Phone - Portrait
- Tablet - Portrait
- Tablet - Landscape
- Monitor
You see instantly render your site according to the selected device.
6. IDE
go direct to ide to edit the code of widget ,include, function,...
Written by Gamila Loka, <gamilia@sednove.com>
1.0 2016-05-27 gamila@sednove.com