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How to prevent SQL injection?

I would like to make sure my sql request are safe for the website. What can be done in the code to prevent SQL injection.

Asked on 2022-01-11 11:26:00



SQL injection is used by hacker to gain or modify a table in a database.


This is A VERY IMPORTANT problem is webite


Suppose you have this code in your page:


sql("SELECT * FROM sed_login_user WHERE username = '" .+ cgidata.username .+ "'");


If you call this page with thie URL, you could do anything to the database:


To prevent this you could do:


sql("SELECT * FROM sed_login_user WHERE username = '" .+ esc(filter:"sql",cgidata.username) .+ "'");


or do this:


 sql("SELECT * FROM sed_login_user WHERE username = '?'", cgidata.username);


If you ever need to pass the table name as a parameter in a resource for which table to select from, you should query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table to check if the table is valid in the current database. Same principle with fields.


config = config();
// Validate table name is valid
sql_rs = sql("
 SELECT 1  FROM information_schema.tables
 WHERE table_schema = '?' AND table_name = '?'
", config.dbname, cgidata.table);


If the result above returns a row, the table name is valid and safe to do

res = sql("SELECT * FROM `?`", cgidata.table);
Answer by:
Pierre Laplante

Replied on: 2022-01-12 09:36:00