DSO (Dynamic Loading) Portability Routines
[Portability Routines]


apr_status_t apr_os_dso_handle_put (apr_dso_handle_t **dso, apr_os_dso_handle_t thedso, apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t apr_os_dso_handle_get (apr_os_dso_handle_t *dso, apr_dso_handle_t *aprdso)

Function Documentation

apr_status_t apr_os_dso_handle_get ( apr_os_dso_handle_t dso,
apr_dso_handle_t aprdso 

convert the apr dso handle into an os specific one

aprdso The apr dso handle to convert
dso The os specific dso to return
apr_status_t apr_os_dso_handle_put ( apr_dso_handle_t **  dso,
apr_os_dso_handle_t  thedso,
apr_pool_t pool 

convert the dso handle from os specific to apr

dso The apr handle we are converting to
thedso the os specific handle to convert
pool the pool to use if it is needed
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Generated on 19 Jun 2014 for Apache Portable Runtime by  doxygen 1.6.1