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Insert your ad in your page

Insert your ad in your page

Once all of the above steps are completed, navigate to the page where you want to insert the ad and add an "adnove" widget (You may need to display your ad on multiple pages; in this case, you should add your advertising on a master page). Once on the page, you can add your widget by clicking the "add widgets" button; do a search on Adnove. Then click on the add button (see screenshot on the left).

In the editing menu you have two options:

  • view ads list: click on "Advertisings"
  • Choose a position: to show ads, you have to choose a position in your widget. To do so, please click on "position for widget"; a new window will appear and you will be able to choose the position you want. By doing so, you then allow the display of advertisements associated with this position according to its parameters (read the documentation).

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