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Base site extension

Logo for the site component


The logo for the site component provides an easy way to add logos to your page and website.


The breakpoint is a feature that gives multiple logo options available depending on the platform the website is being viewed in. Tablet, desktop, and phone.


Setup procedure:

  1. Search and add "Logo for the site" from the components in the Design panel
  2. Click on the component and Toggle additional options > Modify the logo      
  3. On the Logo tab, Scroll down and you'll see the multiple logo choices depending on the platform, this is the breakpoint mentioned above
  4. Click "Select an image"
  5. Add in the top left corner 
  6. Once the file is added, find it in the list and click on it
  7. Scroll back up, Save & generate
  8. Lastly to toggle the different display option, back out and click on the component's Toggle additional options > Logo configuration
  9. In the Logo type field, check the box next to the platforms you'd like enabled
  10. Save & generate!




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