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The grid

Manage sections, rows and columns


Add a section

There are two ways to add a section.

  1. In the grid explorer at the bottom of the existing section list.
  2. Directly in the bottom grid completely there is a "Add a section" button.

You will have access to a list of pre-built sections that already contain a row and columns.

The sections have the possibility of being full width or not. This option is available when the section is selected. (See image below).

Add a row

To add a new row to an existing section you must:

  1. Select the existing row.
  2. There will be a "+" centered symbol at the top and bottom of the selected row.
  3. Press the top one to have a new row at the top and the bottom one to have it below.

Rows too have the ability to be full width or not. This option is available when the row is selected.

Add a column

To add a new column in an existing row you must:

  1. Select one of the columns in the targeted row.
  2. There will be a symble of "+" centered in right and left of the selected column.
  3. Press on the left or right "+" depending on where you want to have a new column.

Move an item in the grid


There are three ways to move grid elements

  1. By selecting an item in the grid, there is an arrow in the bar allowing you to make a move.                                                                                                                                                         
  2. For sections, rows and components, you have the option to take the header of the item and make a click&drag. Drop area will appear while you move the element.                                             
  3. You can do this in the Grid Explorer using the Move icon (an arrow cross)                                                                                                                                                                                 

Delete an element

There are two methods for deleting an element from the grid.

  1. Directly in the grid, when selecting an element.
    • On the right, in the header of the element, there is an option's icon (3 horizontal lines)
    • Press it. There will be a trash icon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  2. In the grid explorer
    • When you over an item, there are icons on the right. The last one is the trash.                                                                                                                                                                  

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