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Site management

Add or edit a user

Add or edit a user

There are two types of users in Extenso: the Extenso users (for admin panel) or the site users (for the frontend)

About Roles

To give access to some of the backoffice features, you must assign a role to a user. Here are the main roles available (by default) in extenso:

  • Site administrator: this role gives access to all the features of the backend. This role should be given only to the experts
  • Webmaster: allows to modify some of the elements of the site (parameters) and also to edit some modules like Directmail. The webmaster can not edit the page grid or the components in the pages.
  • Editor: an editor can edit pages elements including components and pencils. This role can be combined with webmaster's.
  • Grid: Change the page grid.
  • Master Grid: combined with the previous role (grid), this role is used to modify the grid of the master pages. Generally, the webmaster role can be combined with the grid and sed_grid_master roles to allow the user to have access all these functions.

Add a user

To create a new user, go to the left panel in the backend of your site. Client> Extenso users> Users or Client> Site users> Users extranet v6depending on the type of account you want to create.

At this step, you will have a page listing all the Extenso users or all the extranet users. You can add a new user (1 on screenshot), duplicate another (2 on screenshot) or edit the profile of a user (3 on screenshot) to change his role or password.

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